Please Note: All participants in any of our courses require either a valid firearms licence or a police background check.   The background check can be acquired at any local police detachment for a nominal fee.  Government employees (military, law or other agencies) with ID are also accepted.  Security employees using company owned firearms require a copy of their firms Business Firearms License.


One of our successful students. (click on photo for larger version)

New hire 5 day course in accordance with the CFO’s ATC (Authorization to Carry) program.

This course includes two days of class instruction via power point presentation, class discussion and hands on practical training. This is followed by a written exam with a mandatory 90% pass.

The following three days are spent at the range in a combination of dry practice, live fire drills and discussion.

At the end of day three each candidate is expected to pass the Pistol Course of Fire.

All security staff issued an ATC must re-qualify every year in order to retain their authorization. The course objective is threefold.

  1. Meet the requirements of the CFO
  2. Ensure each candidate knows & understands the legal aspects in the use of lethal force
  3. Ensure each candidate has the situational awareness and mindset to stay safe and go home at the end of their shift

Course content is constantly being upgraded to reflect the realities of providing security in a sometimes violent world. This is a 1 day course.

Cash in Transit guards sometimes carry shotguns in their vehicles. This I day course covers equipment, different carry’s, emergency reloads, effective ranges and multiple target engagement.  

Course 4:   Preparation for Security Guard License Exam” This a 40 hour course taught in a classroom setting using power point presentations, class discussion, physical assignments and written tests. First Aid training is part of the program and taught by a qualified paramedic. 

Alternatively you may elect to do the course online by clicking on the following link  Ontario Security Hub Ontario On-Line Security Training