Specialty Courses

Pistol – Rifle  –  Shotgun

We provide courses at the basic, advanced and operator level in pistol, rifle & shotgun for those qualified to take them.

On occasion we bring in guest instructors to provide courses on specific topics, however, for the most part, we use our own instructors who are continually upgrading their skills and knowledge through attending other advanced courses, study and discussion with their peers.  This added knowledge gets passed on to our students in the courses we provide.

3 NEW Courses .

Advanced RifleAdvanced Pistol/ Rifle

Swat drills & test for pistol plus advanced drills for rifle with transitions.  Law enforcement only.

Vehicle Ambush Survival 1

Evasive driving procedures, live fire from vehicle,  debussing procedures, target engagement with both pistol and rifle.  One man and 2 man drills both dry and hot. Law enforcement only.

Vehicle Ambush Survival 2

Embussing/debussing procedures, target engagement pistol only. One man and 2 man drills both dry and hot.    Armed Security only.

Course 1 Advanced Pistol 1 day, Holster Certification is a pre-requisite.

This course builds on the Holster Certification Course, focuses on skill development and provides an introduction to point shooting. Dealing with malfunctions is built into the course drills.

Course 2 Shotgun 101 - 1 day

This course covers equipment, carry’s, emergency reloads, effective ranges, multiple targets and shot patterns at different ranges.   Each candidate is encouraged to improve his skill level during the course.  It is not unusual to see a 25 to 60% improvement in the participant’s performance.   The last group through had a 34% overall improvement in accuracy and timing.  This course will prepare the student for 3 gun competitions.

Course 3 Rifle 101 - 1 day

This course covers equipment, carry’s, transitions to secondary weapon systems, emergency reloads, movement, barricades, and multiple targets at various ranges.

Course 4 - 360’ Reality ' - Reality Based Training

How real is real when it comes to tactical firearms training?

As instructors, most of us are all too familiar with linear one direction training. While this is a safe and necessary part of range procedures it can develop habits that are not necessarily conducive to the protection of life in a real world scenario. We’ve all heard the stories of officers following range procedures in real life encounters with than less than ideal results. We call them range training scars.

Fortunately there are cost effective alternatives.   The airsoft gun is one of those alternatives, providing 360’ engagement, authentic replicas, non-injurious projectiles and effective accuracy at realistic distances.

CQB Firearms Training will be offering courses utilizing this equipment and concept. Watch the calendar for upcoming dates.

For those who wish to purchase an airsoft gun for private practice please contact us at info@cqb-training.com