To be recognized as the go to organization for outstanding results oriented firearms training. We believe in what we do, stick to our commitments and operate with integrity
What We Do
Directed by David Burke, founder and chief instructor CQB Firearms Training has been able to provide a true value added service to the training components of it’s security clients and a significant learning experience for it’s civilian clientele.
The words sound good but what we mean is we are able to take candidates who have never shot a pistol before and in 5 short days convert them into safe competent shooters able to meet course requirements. We do this in a relaxed and helpful atmosphere that achieves the desired results. In addition to the basics of shooting we also understand the dynamics of how people learn and retain information and skills. We incorporate this understanding into all the courses we teach. We use verbal and visual feedback on candidate performance and provide non firing drills that help each individual to improve.
The tools we use include Power Point Presentations with projector, video feedback and appropriate training aids. We also have and utilize all the duty gear mandated by the CFO
Our understanding of the foregoing has ideally positioned us to not only deliver outstanding course results but also to develop programs from the ground up. A prime example is the Holster Certification Course. We can develop programs to meet specific client needs.
For the security industry we limit class size to 5 candidates or alternatively bring on another instructor to maintain standards and safety.
We are effective at handling the administrative needs involved in issuing certificates, submitting applications to the CFO and communicating with our clients.
In conclusion CQB Firearms Training is committed to providing the service and results our clients and prospective clients expect and deserve.