Advanced Pistol/Rifle Event

236 Hunt Club Road, Madoc, On.

Course starts 9:00 am both Aug.19 & 20

From 9:00 a.m.

At Madoc Range

236 Hunt Club Road, Madoc, On.

David Burke / E-mail: or (647) 504-9834

Course starts at 9:00 am both days at Madoc Range, 236 Hunt Club Road, Madoc, ON
$590.00 per student based on 3 students. If less than 3 add $150 per student for range fee.

NOTE:  Assuming range approval we may be able to do some low light drills on Saturday evening.  Bring flashlights or equipment mounted lights.  The class will be limited to 4 participants for maximum focus and participation.


Saturday:  Aug. 19 - Day 1: Sunday:  Aug. 20 - Day 2:
Range & procedure orientation
Review of pistol fundamentals
Secret to effective shooting
Shooting drills
Magazine changes.
Shooting on move
Shooting from cover
Multiple targets
Minimum round count 400
Review of Day 1
Safety procedures for rifle
Clearing malfunctions
Mag changes
Transition’s rifle to pistol
Minimum round count 100 rifle, 200 pistol


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