Holster Certification Course

Jun18 - 192022
236 Hunt Club Rd., Madoc, ON

From 8:30 am until 5:00 pm

At Madoc Range

236 Hunt Club Rd., Madoc, ON

David Burke / E-mail: info@cqb-training.com or (647) 504-9834

 2 days = 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Course designed to introduce shooters to the action shooting disciplines and develop their skills to a safe level for all the various activities required in action shooting - CFO approved certificate course.

Eye & ear protection required along with an appropriate handgun, holster, belt, mag pouch, 3 mags and 400 rds ammo.

All courses will run as long as we have 3 confirmed students with a maximum of 10.  Course fees are $325.00 with the exception of the Range Safety Officer course for club members


Category  Recreation Courses

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