(CFSC) Canadian Firearms Safety Course (PAL)


From 8:00 am until 7:00 pm

At Waterloo, Ontario

David Burke / E-mail: info@cqb-training.com or (647) 504-9834

We now offer Canadian Firearms Safety Courses (CFSC) and Canadian Restricted Firearm Safety Courses (CRFSC).  The Canadian Firearms Safety Course is a minimum of 1 day course.  Completing both courses will require a minimum 2 days and may require 2-1/2 days depending on enrollment.

Both courses are conducted by a FSESO designated instructor.

All courses will run as long as we have 3 confirmed students with a maximum of 10.  Combined course fees for both the CFSC and CRFSC are $340.00 plus tax - plus $21 for Manual.

Category  Recreation Courses

> ACTIVE Course List