We now offer Canadian Firearms Safety Courses (CFSC) and Canadian Restricted Firearm Safety Courses (CRFSC).
The Canadian Firearms Safety Course is a minimum of 1 day course.
Completing both courses will require a minimum 2 days and may require 2-1/2 days depending on enrollment.
Both courses are conducted by a FSESO designated instructor.
For course dates, please check website calendar.
PLEASE NOTE: TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING COURSES LISTED BELOW — ALL participants require either a valid firearms licence or a police background check .
The perception around guns and shooters is unfortunately colored by the many unfortunate situations we hear about almost daily. For the most part the media portrayal of guns and gun owners does not help much either.
As usual the reality of firearm ownership and use is substantially different. First of all guns are a part of our cultural heritage. The early explorers and settlers used guns for hunting and self- defense. To this day many of our gun owners continue to provide their families with meat to carry them through the winter. Others enjoy competitive shooting or just going to the range to plink. What is not generally recognized is the deeper benefits to developing a skill with firearms. Shooting will help you to develop focus , block out distractions , and concentrate on living in the moment. All techniques that can help you in your daily life.
So if you are thinking about acquiring a firearm or taking a firearms licensing course you should attend this course. We will cover all the details listed below.
A 1 day program designed to provide new and/or potential shooters with an introduction to the various shooting disciplines, equipment, and range procedures. The program includes actual live fire practice with a variety of different firearms.
- Range Safety
- Firearms Safety
- Description of shooting disciplines
- Equipment descriptions, demonstrations & overviews
- Overview of individual shooting disciplines
- Fundamentals of firearms shooting, pistol, rifle & shotgun
- Hands on Live fire with various calibers makes & models
Course participants will take away a clear understanding of all the various shooting activities they can participate in. They will also have the hands-on experience of handling a variety of firearms.
Course fee includes a maximum of 125 rounds of ammo in various calibers.
For course dates, please check website calendar.
This is a generic CFO recognized course designed to provide participants with a working knowledge of successful range management during recreational shooting for small groups or for larger events. Each participant will have the opportunity to conduct both the orientation session and run a line of shooters. A written exam is part of the curriculum. Participants require eye and hearing protection 50 rounds of ammo and either a 22 rifle or handgun. Handgun may be in 22, 9mm, 40 S&W or 45 ACP.
This is a one and half day program covering an instructor training portion and then the actual handgun safety course. Each instructor goes through this course so that they will be familiar with the program they will in turn delivery to new handgun shooters. The course builds on the knowledge base of the CFSC and CRFSC otherwise known as PAL courses. Classroom and live fire range instruction plus a written exam are part of the program. The objective of the program is to develop new pistol shooters to the point where they can safely participate in target shooting.
A 2 day course designed to prepare the candidate for action shooting disciplines. These would include CDP, IDPA, SASS and PPC. Each of these disciplines has presentation from the holster in common. The course includes stance, grip, draw, sight alignment, trigger control, breathing, multiple targets, barricades, positions, moving, turning and malfunctions. During the 2 days the student will shoot 400 to 500 rounds.
A one day course to prepare candidates to deliver the Holster Certification Course.
We can also develop customized courses including unarmed combat contingent on client requirements.